Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just for tots

Recently company has gone thru a lot of down down down. Been lagging behine our schedule pace, our goal, target. Recently, one of our partner, decide to call it a quit as he has to many committments on hand. Family, work etc. Its a pity for the company. It started off with a 3 man partners now he is quitting. Never the less, we will still fight on and and stand firm on our vision, our goal. I strongly believe that we can do it if we want to.

As a HR person, i need to start working on many issues. Company needs to under go learning organization process.

Currently we need another chief trainer, my goal is to come out with a 2, 3 days bootcamp program for 1st aid, cpr training. Wanna slot in motivation training into it to make it into a " dare" programe like tht. From my working experiences, I've notice that many singaporeans learn CPR or 1st aid training before some how or rather, once or twice in their life. But many are too afraid to perform real onto a injuried lying infront of them.

What i can conclude is that,
1. lack of training, proficiency
2. lack of confidence in them
3. fear of wrongs
4.afraid of blood etc
5. shy

Having notice these problems, haha well when there is a problem, there is a $$ making opportunity.
So i decided to start a course, not only to train students with 1st class 1st aid, cpr training. but will input skills from NLP.Im going to train every one to become a responsible singaporean or human beings.
My vision is to make sure all Singapore know how to do CPR, basic 1st aid dressing etc. Its a very huge vision which i know one day i can succeed.

Well having said. I've not touch on SWOT analysis.
S (Strength): human beings- both my partner and me are the most valuable asset in the company.

W(weakness): experiences
O(opportunity): a huge market for frest concept.
T(threat): Singapore 1st aid training centre. whatever i've tot of they are already doing. nice:)

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